Welcome to JCSC Healthcare
Anekant (which means non-absolutist thought) Community Center (ACC) has its roots in Southern California and works hard for the improvement of the health of its members and residents of Southern California and also perform various humanitarian tasks. ACC has been established as a non-profit, non-religious organization in January, 2005 to pursue these goals. ACC received an official status as a non-profit organization on July 14, 2005, exempt under section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Service code.
The goal of ACC is to provide charitable education, culture, training, economic development activities ( employment and job linkages ) health education and, prevention services to not only adults and children but also to senior citizens of Southern California. ACC’s activities will be handled by the Board Of Directors (Volunteers) until funds are raised to pay qualified staff. We plan to evolve into a multi service, multi-ethnic community resource center for Southern California. ACC is a community public benefit organization. The proposed activities will further our efforts by bridging the gap in health access, education and training to the minority and disadvantaged in Southern California. We are committed in dedicating our time and resource to these proposed activities. Currently, our activities are funded by donations from individuals in the community and volunteer board members. We hope to build enough of an infrastructure to support these activities of the organization.
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The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.
– Mahatma Gandhi
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Get In Touch
ACC, 16220 Ridge View Lane
La Mirada,
La Mirada,